Lexicon is closely monitoring a potential strike next week by UPS workers. One of Lexicon’s core values is taking ownership of all problems that hinder our mission. The letter below was sent to Lexicon customers to appraise them of steps being taken by Lexicon to get ahead of any potential delays caused by the strike.

We hope this email finds you well. We are writing to update you about Lexicon’s plan to manage through the potential strike by UPS employees next week. We are doing everything within our control to mitigate shipping delays, including proactively switching over to FedEx and USPS until the situation is resolved. 

If we identify any significant delays in your specific order, we will reach out to you individually to provide updates and discuss possible solutions. We value your business and strive to consistently provide the best service available, including timely deliveries, even when outside events challenge our ability to do so.

We are monitoring the UPS situation closely and working diligently to minimize any impact to you. Clear communication is one of our best tools to manage unpredictable situations like this one. Our customer support team is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Tracy Swain at tswain@lexicontech.com or 678-750-0272.

We will continue to keep you informed of any updates regarding the UPS strike and its impact on delivery times. We look forward to serving you and providing you with an outstanding customer experience. 

Warm regards,

Josh King, CEO
Lexicon Tech Solutions

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